Limited Edition Stony Stratford Prints


Skills are excited to announce the new edition of limited editions by acclaimed artist David Pilgrim.  These fine art prints are priced at £125 and feature Davids work in Stony Stratford High Street and Mill Lane.  The colours have been accurately captured using established art printers and are available to view now.

David Pilgrim (ROI) was born in 1975 and is an artist with strong interests in oil and acrylic painting. He enjoys working with a diverse range of subject matter and materials in order to maintain a freshness and vitality in his paintings and drawings.

David studied fine art as part of a joint degree course (the other half was in pure maths!) at Aberystwyth University and has since continued to paint in his spare time whilst trying to squeeze in working full-time as a web/media developer. The regular discipline of drawing is an essential part of his art practice and he can often be found out and about with his sketchbook or pochade box.

Ideas are sparked on location with drawings or paint sketches which can have the potential to be developed into more resolved pieces back in the studio. Sometimes there’s little more to say beyond the original statement and the work needs no further development. This approach has enabled David to develop his observational and technical skills whilst encouraging a greater connection and understanding of the subject.

In December 2012 David was elected as a full member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters which represents many of the finest oil painters in the UK today. Standards are very high so it is a real honour to be elected. David is also a member of the newly established Plein air Brotherhood, which is a mutually supportive collective of UK plein air enthusiasts.

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